

  • Tintage Team
1 minute read

In web advertising, viewability is a metric that measures if online ads are actually seen by users.

What is Viewability?

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and Media Rating Council (MRC) define a viewable impression as:

  • Display ads: 50% of the ad is visible for at least 1 second.
  • Video ads: 50% of the ad is visible for at least 2 seconds.

This ensures advertisers only pay for ads that have a real chance of being seen by people, not just loaded on a page.

History of Viewability

In 2013, comScore found that only 46% of all ads served were viewable. This surprising fact led to a push for better viewability standards and tools to measure and improve ad visibility.

Why Viewability Matters

Viewability is important for several reasons:

  1. Ad Effectiveness: Ads that are seen have a higher chance of engaging users.
  2. Budget Efficiency: Advertisers can spend their money more effectively by focusing on viewable impressions.
  3. Performance Indicator: Viewability helps measure the success of online marketing campaigns and ad placements.
  4. Pricing Impact: Higher viewability rates can lead to better ad pricing for publishers.

How to Improve Viewability

Publishers can improve their ad viewability by:

  1. Optimizing Page Design: Design layouts that prioritize ad visibility, like placing ads "above the fold" or using "sticky" ad units.
  2. Implementing Responsive Design: Ensure ads display properly on all devices.
  3. Improving Loading Speed: Faster-loading pages increase the chance of ads being viewed before users navigate away.
  4. Using Appropriate Ad Sizes: Vertical layouts (e.g., 120x240, 240x400, 160x600) usually perform better for viewability.
  5. Considering Interactive Formats: Rich media and interactive ads often have higher viewability rates.

Measuring Viewability

Various third-party vendors offer viewability measurement services, including:

  • Moat
  • DoubleVerify
  • IAS
  • comScore

These tools help both advertisers and publishers understand and improve their viewability performance.

The Future of Viewability

As digital advertising evolves, so do viewability standards. Mobile in-app environments, for instance, need unique guidelines, and industry bodies are working on developing these standards.


Viewability has become a key metric in digital advertising, ensuring transparency and effectiveness. By understanding and optimizing for viewability, both advertisers and publishers can create more impactful ad experiences, leading to better campaign performance and return on investment.


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